Thursday, June 21, 2012

Can you say confused?

Well, another week has gone by and I think a lot happened this week (and it's not even over yet) :).

I received a letter from my loan processor last Friday...discovered this week I got the letter because I hadn't completed and returned the application/disclosures with all the documentation.  I learned yesterday that the application package was sent the week before last.  So many revelations this week.  Turns out that not only did BB&T send a package, but NVR did as well.  So they'd both been sitting in the apt complete office for almost two weeks.  Had my BB&T loan officer not called me, I would've been none the wiser.  I reviewed both packages...and drumroll please....decided to stick with BB&T.  The interest rate on the GFE (like I how used that, lol) was 4.129%, NVR was under that, I believe it was 3.37% but with BB&T there is no PMI.  After crunching the numbers, the difference between the mortgage with PMI and without it was about $60.  In the end, I'd rather keep that money use it as extra towards my principal.  So part 1 of this confusing week is over...I hope :/.  All the information has been sent to my loan officer and loan processor at BB&T and now I wait.

Part 2 of this confusing week started as I was reading over the information included in the loan packages. Things like owners title insurance and settlement escrow/agent are really throwing me off.  I can shop around for these or I can go with the recommended this is where a real estate agent comes in right? Riiiiiiight....emailed him this evening a list of questions and hopefully he'll be able to shed some light on the next step in this process. I elected to participate in my company's group legal plan this year because I knew I wanted to buy, so maybe I can use their services as the settlement escrow/agent - we'll see.

Wiring and flooring appointments tomorrow, finally!! Lol, I'm excited.

I'm wondering was anyone excited but nervous at the same time, like oh em gee...what am I doing?  I feel that way.  I'm questioning if it's the right thing to do...but I feel like it is.  Can't really say there' would be a better time (unless it was years ago when I was younger).  Anyway, I told my mom weeks ago that it just felt right, I guess I have to remember what made it 'feel' right.

Well tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!! YAY!!!  I'll try to post pics of my selections from flooring.  Wiring is going to be easy, lol, I'm really basic. I just need a cable/internet outlet (or satellite tv) and a plug for my tv.

Later Gators!


  1. I will say, the whole experience of having a home built has been pretty "oh em gee"! Have fun with your floor and wiring appointments. I ended up getting a lot of extras that I hadn't planned on, but don't regret it at all. I went in to both appointments with an open mind and ended up having a lot of fun in the process and a lot of sweet upgrades at the same time! Good luck on your appointments and be sure to share the final results! :)
